Standard 3

Professional Practise

3 - Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

3.1 Establish challenging learning goals

3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs

3.3 Use teaching strategies

3.4 Select and use resources

3.5 Use effective classroom communication

3.6 Evaluate and improve teaching programs

3.7 Engage parents/ carers in the educative process

1. What is my evidence?

My evidence for this standard is the aligned unit plan, task sheet and GTMJ below. Along with an email highlighting the personal and professional dialogue between my colleague and I whilst planning our unit. 

2. At which career stage am I demonstrating the standard? 

I believe I am demonstrating this standard at the Highly Accomplished levelWork with colleagues to plan, evaluate and modify learning and teaching programs to create productive learning environments that engage all students.

3. How does the evidence demonstrate the standard

I was fortunate enough to work with a colleague during our IBL days who was on the same year level as I was. So together we brainstormed ideas and concepts, exploring which Key Learning Area we would like to write an Inquiry Based Unit for. We decided Geography because we would both needed to plan and implement a Geography unit for 2014.

Rebecca and I conferenced during our first IBL days and together came up with our BIG QUESTION "Are you Ready?" for our Geography unit on Bushfires. We also mapped out our assessment items and planned some activities for the lesson strategies. 

Throughout the course of the Semester, Rebecca and I were in constant email with one another adding, changing, adjusting and modifying both our unit, task and GTMJ. 

Being at a school where there is only one Year 5, I found it very beneficial to work and plan an Inquiry Based Unit with Rebecca and enjoyed the professional dialogue that occurred throughout this experience. 

I believe the following evidence demonstrates this standard as it captures dialogue between colleagues that highlight working with colleagues to evaluate and modify learning and teaching programs to  create productive learning environments that engage all students.

Click here to view a sample of comments made on my IBL unit by Jenny Nayler, our professional challenge facilitator. 

1 comment:

  1. Chris, your evidence here indicates clearly that you have planned and implemented a very relevant unit. (BTW, I couldn't open the linked document here or the one for previous standard. It's just a reminder about the need to permission so that we can view and provide feedback.)
