Standard 5

Professional Practise

5 - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.1 Assess student learning

5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning

5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements

5.4 Interpret student data

5.5 Report on student achievement

1. What is my evidence?

Below I have attached the copy of my Task sheet and the Guide to Making Judgement (GTMJ) used to assess the students culminating activity for my unit of work. The task designed for this unit of work was authentic and relevant to the students. Some students in my class had previously experienced bush fires and other natural disasters, which therefore opened up many rich discussions and again allowed the students to take some control of their learning. 
The task and GTMJ for the unit was written in alignment with the Australian Curriculum and made task specific for my cohort of student's to engage and maximise participation and involvement from all students. 

2. At which career stage am I demonstrating the standard?

I believe I am demonstrating this standard at the Proficient stage - Organise assessment moderation activities that support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning

3. How does the evidence demonstrate the standard?

Originally we had written our GTMJ based on the elaborations from the Australian Curriculum and therefore it was not task specific for our assessment.  

Click the following link to view my Task Sheet and Guide to Making Judgement which demonstrates my understanding and the importance of moderation between colleagues to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, I could access the GTMJ here, Chris? Did you use the QCAA standard elaborations to create your GTMJ?
